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亚当的赞歌 Psalm of Adam
文章来源:本站原创 访问量:401 作者:胡姚弟 发布:胡姚弟 首发时间:2015-09-17 23:24:43
亚当的赞歌 Psalm of Adam
我们都是亚当的后代, we are all posterities of Adam
上帝把我们逐出了伊甸乐园 God expelled us from the Garden of Eden
只是为了一个小小的智慧苹果, It is all about the wisdom of the apple,
天堂的永生变成了万劫的人间。 eternal heaven became perpetual miserable human
智慧的苹果闪耀着红色的鲜艳。 Apple"s wisdom shined with glittering red scheme
夏娃的美丽压倒了上帝的威严? Eve"s beauty overwhelmed God"s esteem
如果上帝赋予了亚当一双眼睛, if God endowed Adam with a pair of eyes,
为什么要永远禁止他享受天堂的景观? why would God eternally forbid Adam to enjoy Heaven"s scene?
天堂的生活是何等的枯燥简单, LIfe in Heaven is so simple and bored
两个男女尚未交媾通奸! the two man and woman never intercoursed!
若你们要追求智慧,幸福与自由, if you want to pursue wisdom happiness and freedom
上帝的愤怒是地狱永恒的火钳! God"s fury is hell flame"s eternal tongs!
为什么亚当要追求意志的自由散漫? why Adam would pursue free will"s chaos?
为什么不遵循上帝的威慑语言? why not folloing word of God"s awe?
不自由毋宁死, "Give me Liberty or give me Death!"
那可不是人类本性瑕疵的自然? that is human nature"s intrinsic flaw!
我们都是亚当的后代, we are all posterities of Adam
上帝把我们逐出了伊甸乐园 God expelled us from the Garden of Eden
只是为了一个小小的智慧苹果, It is all about the wisdom of the apple,
天堂的永生变成了万劫的人间。 eternal heaven became perpetual miserable human
智慧的苹果闪耀着红色的鲜艳。 Apple"s wisdom shined with glittering red scheme
夏娃的美丽压倒了上帝的威严? Eve"s beauty overwhelmed God"s esteem
如果上帝赋予了亚当一双眼睛, if God endowed Adam with a pair of eyes,
为什么要永远禁止他享受天堂的景观? why would God eternally forbid Adam to enjoy Heaven"s scene?
天堂的生活是何等的枯燥简单, LIfe in Heaven is so simple and bored
两个男女尚未交媾通奸! the two man and woman never intercoursed!
若你们要追求智慧,幸福与自由, if you want to pursue wisdom happiness and freedom
上帝的愤怒是地狱永恒的火钳! God"s fury is hell flame"s eternal tongs!
为什么亚当要追求意志的自由散漫? why Adam would pursue free will"s chaos?
为什么不遵循上帝的威慑语言? why not folloing word of God"s awe?
不自由毋宁死, "Give me Liberty or give me Death!"
那可不是人类本性瑕疵的自然? that is human nature"s intrinsic flaw!
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